Shelby & Tiffany Holly
Two sisters who share a passion for home design and Real Estate.

Tiffany Holly

Shelby Holly

Hi Friends,
I am so glad you are here and want to know more about me and what my sister and I are doing together. I live in a small town in Alaska. My name is Tiffany Holly and my husband and I are High School sweet hearts and have been married for 11 years. God has blessed us with four beautiful children. Two handsome boys and two beautiful girls.
My husband and I own two other businesses together. My husband took over his grandfathers business in 2018 called Specialty Excavating. I also own Tiffany's Unique Antique and refurbish furniture for people or for myself and sell it. It keeps my passion for creativity going.
God had a plan for Shelby and I from the very beginning of marrying brothers to being sisters/friends and then becoming business partners in all our services. We can help style your home, design your home, remodel your home, stage your house for sale, help you sell your home and help you buy a house. We love helping our clients and their families with their homes no matter what it is. We become your family! :)
Thank you for stopping by Tiff and I's page. We are thrilled to share our passion with you.
I'm Shelby Holly.
I'm a mom to three rowdy boys, Axton, BodhiBodhi, and Crew. I married my High School sweet a few months after he graduated Marine Corps boot camp. We just moved back home to Alaska after my husband served 8 years in the Marine Corps. I now work as a Pre-K teacher while building this business. We truly felt God called us back home, and he has currently been opening doors for us since we got here.
I feel like I have lived 9 lives, not just because I'm an old soul but with how many life experiences I have had. I moved to North Carolina 4 days after high school graduation to be with my husband. There I went to cosmology school and did hair for 5 years. While in North Carolina my husband went on 3 deployments and countless field ops. During this time I became extremely independent and really started making my house our home. This is where my passion for creating the true feel of home. I was so focused on turning NC into our home since leaving Alaska. I think I did too well of a job, our hearts are still in NC.
We got a huge wake up call when Jordan got orders to Okinawa, Japan. On top of that we found out we were expecting our first baby 2 weeks before the move. We called Okinawa our home for 3 years and had both our babies there. Living in Okinawa was such a blessing. I got to stay home with my babies and really soak in the island life. Okinawa will always be our home.
Living in Okinawa really showed me how important it is to make your house feel like home. You need a space that is completely and truly yours. I can't wait to help clients create that.